Latest Website Updates
9/14 - Beginner & Advance Fly Tying Classes at the Ledyard Library Nov/Dec. See this page for more info. 9/14 - See new CLASSIFIEDS tab is a free service to members only to buy and sell used equipment. TVTU has no financial interest or any accountability as to the quality of the merchandise. All transactions are strictly between the buyer and seller. To advertise an item, simply write up the description, price and contact information that you want to see on the ad along with a picture or two. Send them to Pat Gaynor for publication. 2/6 - See TVTU Merchandise - Sales of our merchandise helps us to sustain our organizational objectives and initiatives toward conservation, education programs, stream restoration projects and membership development. Thanks for your support! TVTU Chapter Up Coming Events
Oct 15 Chapter Meeting - Steve Babbitt Nov 19 Chapter Meeting - TBD Dec 17 Chapter Meeting - TBD Jan 21 Chapter Meeting - Darby Hittle Feb 18 Chapter Meeting - TBD Mar 18 Chapter Meeting - TBD Apr 15 Annual Meeting - Elections/ BOD Report May 20 Chapter Meeting - Tim Flagler TVTU Monthly Chapter Meetings Doors open at 6:00 PM for social hour and fly tying. Our Meetings are open to the public and gets underway at 7:00 PM. Directions to the Franklin Firehouse: Our meeting location is at the Franklin Firehouse on 5 Tyler Drive (just off Rt 32) in Franklin. The meeting entrance is on the left as you enter the facility. The Franklin Firehouse is located just north of Route 2, exit 27. Go 6 miles north on Rt 32 and Tyler Drive is on your right. Google Map Link to Franklin Firehouse. TVTU Board of Directors Meetings
TVTU Board of Directors meet the second Tuesday of the month, August through May, at 6:00 PM via ZOOM. The meetings are open to any TVTU members who would like to attend. To get the ZOOM link, just contact any BOD member and they can provide it to you. |
Visit Our NEW Facebook page!
Click the Facebook ICON in upper righthand corner of any website page...Check it out - "Thames Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited” Hope you enjoy it! TVTU Chapter Board of Directors Openings
TVTU is in need of some volunteers to help keep the chapter viable/active. We need volunteers for the following Board of Directors positions: President – The President serves as general executive officer of the Chapter and appoints the chairs of all Chapter committees. The President oversees all activities of the chapter, presides at all membership and board meetings, and manages the business and affairs of the Chapter. The President has general supervision of all the other officers of the Chapter and sees that their duties are properly performed. The President reports to the members of the Chapter and to the Board on matters which may be of interest or concern. Vice-President - The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President if the President is absent or unable to perform the President’s duties. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors and the President. Treasurer – The Treasure is responsible for managing and controlling the financials and bank accounts for the chapter. The treasure provides monthly reports to the Board of Directors and to the membership at the Annual Meeting. Communications Chair– Coordinates all aspects of Chapter communications including publishing of the monthly newsletter, sending communications bulletins, maintaining the chapter website, as well as any chapter social media sites. Program Director - Coordinates monthly meetings including meeting speakers and other chapter activities. Fly Tying Coordinator- Board of Directors membership is optional. Maintain the chapter fly tying class material and schedule fly tying classes. Also coordinates fly tyers for monthly chapter meetings. Please contact Gary Lussier at [email protected] or 860-861-9344 if you would like to help out the chapter and volunteer for these needed positions. |
Join Thames Valley Trout Unlimited

Join Trout Unlimited today at the special introductory rate of just $17.50. Help protect and restore our nation's magnificent trout and salmon fisheries. This low rate is for new members only and $15 of your $17.50 will go to your local chapter / the chapter you select below (more if you join at a higher membership level).
Link - Join TVTU Be sure to select the "Thames Valley" Chapter 282 when signing up online.
Link - Join TVTU Be sure to select the "Thames Valley" Chapter 282 when signing up online.